Wednesday, July 21, 2010


naqiu_anis: salam
Lela MN: wsalam
naqiu_anis: bz ke
Lela MN: spe eh ni?
naqiu_anis: xkenal ke
naqiu_anis: da add pun xknela ya
Lela MN: mcm xde lam contact je
Lela MN: jap
naqiu_anis: ya ke
naqiu_anis: mcm mana blh xde
naqiu_anis: tp kat sy ada
Lela MN: erm?
naqiu_anis: xpelah kalo xkenal pun
naqiu_anis: tp kt nk kenal ngan awk

sape kenal budak nih? tlg la..geli kot~

(saje tampal kt blog, tatau nk cite kt sape... osmet, blk cpt pls~)

Sunday, July 18, 2010



Lately scope FYP ak berubah lg..
Cukup la utk buat sepanjang cuti sem ak yg xberapa pjg tu pening nk mikir nye~

The latest scope before cuti ari tu meminta ak utk cari 1 solution tuk 1 problem neyh, dimana start dr stu lah FYP ak nih bertukar menjadi research FYP..

Amende research FYP neyh?

FYP anda adalah research FYP apabila dimana anda disuruh membuat research pada bende yg xwujud skali..cmtu la...

Tapi time cuti alhamdulillah da jumpe solution die..but for now nk cari the best solution..
So I'm waiting for my Google SketchUp Pro ver. to arrive, then can start using it.
Maybe Pro version will give me better solution.

Tapi, tapi dan tapi....
For the presentation of that methodology, ak kene buat walkthrough OpenGL..

Kenapa, kenapa dan kenapa?...
Kenapa ak xsuke FYP ak?

FYP = OpenGL = Multimedia Prog. = C+.

Nampak x kesamaan disitu?? yeah...harap anda, anda dan anda paham~

Sunday, July 4, 2010


My heart not belongs to it..

What to do??

(It's my FYP that I'm talking bout)